Nuclear power: shaping the future

Paul Boughton

The World Nuclear Association Symposium is the industry's foremost international meeting, attracting an attendance of over 600 leaders and specialists from more than 30 countries. It takes place on 9th, 10th and 11th September 2015 at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge, London.

The symposium will include sessions on novel reactor technologies, new nuclear build, waste management and decommissioning, human resources, electricity markets and energy policy. 

Speakers include:

Malcom Grimston, Imperial College, will address the sclerosis in energy decision making. Why has decision-making in energy come to a practical standstill in much of the developed world despite predictions of record low.

Ben Heard will examine worlds without nuclear energy, looking at the feasibility of 100% renewables energy system. His presentation will illustrate the essential role of nuclear technologies in formulating feasible, fully decarbonised energy systems.

Kristiina Söderholm will discuss work being done to facilitate international licensing for small modular reactors. Smaller reactors could be deployed in areas of the grid not suited to larger power plants and may offer different options in terms of financing. But the licensing process could be a barrier.

Akio Komori, Fellow of Tepco Electricity Power Company, explains on the work that has been done over the last four years to stabilise the situation at Fukushima Daiichi and to start the process of decommissioning. 

Mike Weightman, former Chief Inspector of Nuclear Installations and Executive Head of the Office for Nuclear Regulation, led the UK regulator’s investigation into the events at Fukushima Daiichi. He joins our High Level Panel, which will discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing the nuclear industry.

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