Toshiba Machine launches two new cobots

Louise Davis

Toshiba Machine has announced the launch of two new collaborative robots, encompassing a humanoid and SCARA version, and these are the first machines of their kind from the Japanese manufacturer. Toshiba Machine has previously prioritised the manufacture of industrial robot models such as six-axis, SCARA and Cartesian.

The humanoid cobot features a 6kg maximum payload for each arm or 10kg when used in combination, and it has been developed to meet demand for human-machine collaboration in parts assembly and inspection processes.  
The SCARA model, which is also collaborative, also featuring two arms, and it is suited to fast-paced handling applications.
Both models will be deployable alongside human workers, allowing manufacturers to benefit from a combination of automated and manual processes. The cobots will be available with new robotic vision systems.
The new launches mark the beginning of a new era for Toshiba Machine and its industrial robot division. From April 1, 2020, the company will return to its original name of Shibaura Machine. The name change represents a formal separation from Toshiba Corporation, but will have no impact on the new product releases that have been developed at the company’s Japanese base.


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