Harnessing micro 3D printing

Online Editor

Rewriting the rules of precision manufacturing to cater to the ever-shrinking demands of modern industries.

In the dynamic world of precision manufacturing, innovation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the lifeblood of progress. Armed with Boston Micro Fabrication’s (BMF) cutting-edge technology, Quartisis - a pioneering micro printing and machining company - has seized this mantra and embraced an unconventional solution: micro 3D printing.


Quartisis’ journey into the world of micro 3D printing was driven by its mission to transcend the limitations of conventional manufacturing techniques. Specialising in intricate, precision microstructures for medical devices and electronics, the company was eager to expand its traditional metal machining processes to include more materials and more industries.

BMF has also been keeping pace with this shift towards miniaturisation, thanks to its high precision 3D printing technology. Using Projection Micro Stereolithography (PμSL) technology, the company’s printers leverage light, customisable optics, a high-quality movement platform, and controlled processing technology. By combining multiple performance materials and related post-treatment processes, BMF has developed a new precision manufacturing solution.

Enter BMF’s microArchS240 3D printer. The initial adoption of this technology opened new avenues for Quartisis. Sheila Ziobro, Quartisis’ Director of Business Development and Engineering, believes the acquisition of BMF’s printer was a pivotal step that set the company apart. With printing resolutions down to the 2 to 25-micron range, Quartisis found a game-changing solution to its precision manufacturing needs.

From an engineering standpoint, the need for high precision technology is indisputable, Ziobro says: “Everything is going much, much smaller, whether it’s our electronics or medical devices, whether you want to make a smaller incision and you want a smaller product going into the individual.” As industries continue to scale down their products, the demand for precision will only intensify, making Quartisis’ pioneering efforts all the more crucial.


Quartisis’ success story begins with its ability to leverage micro 3D printing in ways that were unachievable before. Traditionally, the intricacy of microstructures came at the cost of time and accuracy. Lead times often spanned weeks, hampering innovation and responsiveness. However, the introduction of BMF’s microArchS240 printers enabled Quartisis to slash lead times and offer rapid iterations for its customers.

Ziobro explains, “We like to be very responsive and quick. As soon as we quote them, we get their part lined up and ready to go on our printers.” This agility not only allows Quartisis to streamline its production but also offers a competitive edge in an industry that demands swiftness without compromising precision.


The expansion of Quartisis’ partnership with BMF is testament to the transformational impact of micro 3D printing on its operations. The procurement of additional printers signifies the company’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of micro manufacturing and heralds an era of increased capacity and versatility for Quartisis.

Regarding the company’s future plans, Ziobro states, “We want to expand further into the medical device space. We are incorporating BMF’s printers into our robust quality system and are in the process of implementing ISO 13485. This sets us up for success with medical and other highly regulated industries, which is really who we’re targeting.” The incorporation of micro 3D printing isn’t just about producing existing designs more efficiently; it’s about unlocking novel possibilities and accelerating innovation in the medical and electronics sectors.


At the core of Quartisis’ revolution lies the essence of micro 3D printing - unparalleled precision. The technology transcends the limitations of traditional manufacturing, enabling the creation of intricate designs with cellular-level accuracy. Ziobro highlights this crucial aspect, stating, “This is where the precision is extremely important. If we’re talking about cutting edge research or new product development on the micron level, you need these printing capabilities.”

For companies considering integrating BMF’s printers, this technology facilitates repeatable, high-quality outcomes and rapid iterations, fostering a conducive environment for creativity and innovation.


Quartisis’ journey exemplifies how embracing innovative technology can revolutionise even the most specialised fields. Micro 3D printing has catapulted the company beyond the confines of conventional manufacturing methods, enabling it to create microscopic solutions with unprecedented precision. As it continues to expand its foothold in the medical device and electronics sectors, Quartisis’ partnership with BMF paves the way for a future where speed and accuracy coexist harmoniously.

With the fusion of Quartisis’ expertise and BMF’s micro 3D printing prowess, the possibilities are as limitless as the infinitesimal structures they create. As Ziobro and her team continue to push the boundaries of micro manufacturing, one thing is certain: the future they’re shaping is astonishingly small and incredibly precise.

Laura Galloway is at Boston Micro Fabrication.

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