The four biggest trends in packaging

Louise Davis

The packaging industry is consistently changing, with new trends emerging each year. If your business wants to continue suppling the very best service to its customers, it’s important to keep up with these latest trends.

So, if you’re looking ahead to next year, here we’ll look at some of the key trends due to hit the industry in 2020.


The biggest trend that’s going take over in the packaging industry in 2020, is sustainability. This is hardly surprising given the huge focus on climate change and reducing our carbon footprint. We’ve already seen some sustainability trends introduced this year, but the industry is really ramping up its efforts in 2020.

Corrugated packaging and 100 per cent recyclable packaging are two of the main trends being focused on next year. The former is a great alternative to plastic packaging, providing a strong yet sustainable option for businesses. It can also be used multiple times, so great for the environment, but great for cutting costs too.


Another trend to watch out for is minimalism. Brands will look to keep their packaging as simple as possible. This is an especially popular trend within the food sector, though it can also benefit other industries too.

If you take a look at online e-commerce reviews, you’ll often find they mention too much packaging has been used. This isn’t just wasteful; it’s also frustrating for the customer and shows brands don’t care about their impact on the environment. 

So, if you want to partake in this trend, focus on only using as much packaging as you need. You can look at large parcel delivery as a good example. Only send large parcels if they’re full, rather than stuffing lots of packaging inside to bulk them out. 

Personalised packaging

With the increased demand for personalisation in e-commerce, it’s unsurprising the trend is hitting the packaging industry next year. This isn’t a new trend; you can see an effective example of this type of packaging with Coca Cola’s named bottles. 

Customers love personalisation, and it’s a trend that keeps getting bigger with each passing year. So, if you want to stand out from your competitors, investing in personalised minimalist packaging will help.

Smart packaging

Finally, another trend that’s going to play a large role in 2020 is smart packaging. This includes things such as cloud labelling, and additional track and trace features. 

This type of packaging also enables businesses to provide an immersive storytelling experience. The introduction of more mainstream 5G technology will also help to push the smart packaging trend.

These are some of the biggest trends to focus on within the packaging industry in 2020. If your business wants to stand out, it’s going to need to adopt these main trends, particularly sustainability.