Checking torque values of critical fastenings

Paul Boughton
Using ProWrench Opta digital torque wrenches from Crane Electronics, Nissan has introduced a new method of carrying out checks of the torque values of critical fastenings within the bodyshop of their Sunderland, UK, manufacturing plant. 

The checks are carried out three times per shift and are performed using just one 75Nm ProWrench Opta digital torque wrench. 

Nissan’s previous method involved using various sizes of dial wrench and the readings were recorded on paper, which was filed at the end of every month.  This resulted in an ever increasing archive of recorded data and the potential for mis-filed or unclear recorded information.

Crane Electronics’ solution using ProWrench Optas and OptaComms software was selected after careful assessment of Nissan’s lineside torque testing requirements and with the close involvement of the company’s quality control and calibration departments.  The tools were rigorously tested together including stringent tests of measurement accuracy.  The new method of checking was trialled alongside the existing system before implementation.

Using the ProWrench Opta, the operative takes the wrench to the production line once it has been stored with all the data to carry out a specific check of torque values for a particular group of fastenings.  The wrench displays how many bolts are to be checked and the readings are taken.  As the minimum and maximum torque values are held within the wrench, it will then inform the operator via tri-colour LEDS if the readings are low, high or exact.

All readings taken are stored under time, date, user and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). At the end of the shift, results are uploaded to the Crane’s OptaComms software and then exported to Nissan’s spreadsheet of recorded data.

Twelve months into the project, the results have been dramatic. There has been a 50 perc ent-plus saving in operator time to carry out torque checks and there has been a major reduction for production line quality check stops. 

The ProWrench Optas record all VIN numbers with torque readings for each model variant, giving excellent traceability. The virtually paperless system, with electronic archiving, is resulting in reduced administration, together with further cost and time savings. The Nissan production line now also has increased daily capacity as a result of faster torque management procedures.

ProWrench Optas  

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