Interactive 'eyeball' security system

Paul Boughton

Promising product designer Curtis John, 26, has created an eye ball shaped interactive security system which comes ‘alive’ and reacts to human movement with facial recognition, and uses movement and surprise to unnerve trespassers.

Created by Middlesex University product design student Curtis, the system titled ‘Sentient’ aims to deter would be criminals before they attempt to enter a premises by using human like features to create the feeling the intruder is being watched and eliminate the sense of anonymity, which has been shown to have an effect on crime. 

The design includes an iris, lighting, camera and ‘eye lids’ which combine to replicate the human eye. The system has three distinct modes.  When it is in sleep mode the eye lids are partially closed and the centre light turns off. In active mode the eye lids open wide, the iris turns yellow and the eye (camera) moves in a searching pattern. In locked on mode the iris turns red, the lids close slightly mimicking a human stare and the eye follows the intruder.  

Key features of the system are movement, interaction, tracking and lighting, the combination of which is designed to replicate human behaviour.  This creates the feeling of being followed producing a personal response that other systems lack.

Middlesex University student Curtis John from Poplar, London, said: “It is designed to use the psychology behind the relationships people have with human-like objects. If for example someone was coming towards a house thinking of breaking in, Sentient suddenly activates to startle them. It starts off quite inert and quiet, and then as soon as someone comes close, it comes to life.”

The intelligent Sentient system will only react to human movement and not to animals such as foxes due to the camera’s facial recognition feature. The system is assembled with just three main components; the wall bracket, the case and the protective dome. It is designed for easy at home assembly.  

“There is a gap in the market as most security systems are motionless, so not much attention is paid to them as they allow intruders to remain feeling anonymous. Adding a human element can have a significant effect on crime, as was recently demonstrated by a study at a University where just placing an image of staring eyes reduced crime,” added Curtis.   
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