Taking pipeline inspections to a new level

Paul Boughton

Palle Herskind reports on a software solution for acquisition and processing of data during pipeline inspections.

Being able to cut down on man-hours without compromising on the quality of the results is a sought-after scenario for any company engaged in pipeline inspections.

To accommodate this desire, EIVA has developed the NaviSuite Nardoa software bundle, a completely integrated 3D software solution for acquisition and processing of data during offshore pipeline inspections.

Cost-effective workflow

This solution allows for near-real-time processing of large data sets, thereby reducing the timeframe of the inspection job to a minimum, while delivering high-quality, thorough and comprehensive inspection results.

The software does most of the work, and features such as S-CAN cleaning mean that man-hours of the inspection team are spent more efficiently on the details that require a human hand.

Altogether, this translates into a far more cost-effective inspection workflow. DOF Subsea is one of the companies that have benefitted from this:

"By means of the S-CAN feature, we have reduced the time spent on cleaning by more than 25 percent, and we obtain a far better overall result," said Per Norvald Boge, Lead Data Processor.
High-quality inspection reports are ready shortly after the inspection vessel arrives at port, as a paper report combining raw data and 3D models or displayed in a free 3D viewer.
‘High-quality’ means highly accurate, extensive and thorough results that are easily comprehended, a key element being the possibility of 3D visualisation. This translates into a sound decision-making basis in the work that follows the inspection.

Scalable solution
The open, modular solution supports all available software and hardware equipment for pipeline inspection. It is easily integrated into existing inspection setups – using existing equipment or buying new equipment without having to worry about integration complications.

In addition, the NaviSuite Nardoa solution is built around a database network, making it a scalable solution to match any setup in terms of number of users and location.

Multiple users can access and process the data simultaneously, and the team can be situated both on board the inspection vessel and on shore, depending on needs and framework.

Raw data are employed throughout the workflow, ensuring complete traceability and eliminating errors due to data conversion. This means that data inconsistencies and sensor inaccuracies are instantly compensated for without having to step back in the process.

The data can be exported to any relevant third-party software, offering the benefits of not just streamlined pipeline inspections, but also of expanding the scope to other platforms.

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Palle Herskind is with EIVA, Hasselager, Denamrk. www.eiva.com

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