Measuring vapour permeability

The new system can be used with any non-proscribed gas or vapour

Versaperm has developed a new technique which offers a 500% increase in the sensitivity of their vapour permeability measurements.  Such measurements are often of critical importance to a huge range of industries - ranging from pharmaceuticals to aerospace and from food preservation to printing, electronics, civil engineering and cosmetics.  

The new technique is based around a low-flow technique coupled with mass spectroscopy – which, by itself, is one of the world’s most accurate tools for measuring vapour permeability. Results can be measured down to the parts per billion range.

It will be of particular importance to companies that rely on using high vapour resistance materials in their products or encapsulations.
The system can operate across a wide range of pressures, partial pressures, temperatures, even into extreme or supercritical areas.  It is available either incorporated into Versaperm permeably measurement equipment or as part of the company’s laboratory testing service.  

The new system can be used with any non-proscribed gas or vapour and to measure virtually any barrier-material, product, enclosure or component.

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