From Chaos to Clockwork. The Drive to Peak. Route 8 The asset management program

Paul Boughton

You are invited to join Roald Rodseth on the Drive to achieve Peak performance

Finally, Route 8. The last part of the journey from chaos to clockwork.


The conceptual framework which has guided this journey is Impact Driven Asset Management (IDAM). During the journey aspects of IDAM have been presented but naturally there is much more to the concept. It is a comprehensive integrated model of asset management with many more aspects which time has not permitted to investigate.

The software application which undergirds IDAM is known as DRIVE. The complexity of developing and administering an asset management program is impossible without a suitable software application, hence DRIVE. During the journey described in this series of articles, mention has been made of features of DRIVE.

Some are listed below:

* Development of a Machine Map;

* Creation of a Machine Impact Hierarchy;

* Doing a Demand analysis;

* Providing the necessary asset management response to the Demand. This is known as Supply;

* Linking documentation to items on the Machine Map;

* Scheduling tasks;

* Creation of a wide range of reports;

* Provision of a machine condition dashboard.

What now remains to be done is the creation of an asset management program. The machines which constitute the plant have been recognised by the Machine Mapping process and have been placed in an order of priority – the machine Impact Hierarchy. Via the Stages on the DRIVE to Peak approach, the asset management need for the machines in question have been identified. These are known as the asset management Demand. The identified needs now need to be translated into procedures and processes that will meet those needs. These are known as Supply.

Typically these will be the following:

* Spare purchasing specifications;

* Parts reconditioning instructions;

* A variety of specific task instructions. These will include the following: Safety tasks; inspection tasks; Condition monitoring tasks; Adjustment tasks; Lubrication tasks.

* Scheduling

* Monitoring

* Development of procedures

* Doing improvement to machines

Taken together these instructions constitute an asset management program. DRIVE is an essential tool in the process. It needs to be mentioned that DRIVE can be used to do the following in this respect:

* Create. Where no program exists, DRIVE may be used to create a program. This is particularly useful during the establishment of a new assetand the sooner in this process steps are taken to develop such a program, the better;

* Revise. Where an existing program needs to be revised and improved, DRIVE is the ideal tool to use;

Administer. DRIVE is essential for the day-to-day administration of an asset management program.

Peak is in sight

Route 8 marks the end of the journey to Peak performance. If properly applied the asset management program will ensure that the machines in question are cared for in such a way that it is possible for them to perform at Peak levels of performance.

Peak forever

May your plant perform its function without interruption, for as long as possible and at minimum cost. May it run like clockwork!

Roald Rodseth is Managing Director, Radiant Operations International (Pty) Ltd in conjunction with DesSoft

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